Time flies when you're having fun is a sh*t rule! My little boy is now three years old (going on 50!) and it sometimes feels like yesterday when he first came home from the hospital.
I've got lots of nicknames for Cullan, most of which are endearing and the worst of which is my "little monster" (which I actually mean affectionately because he's bigger than most of the kids he meets), but the latest is "Serious Boy". Despite (or because) his Dad struggles to put the camera down, Cullan generally avoids posing for photographs. As a result, my photograph collection of him looks like a moody documentary project with very little eye contact.
It's funny because he's a criminal comedic genius; this week I posed the question "Shall we wake Mum up with a kiss and a hug?", and it was met with the instant response "No... I'm going to get my drum!". Yet in most of his portraits he looks incredibly sombre, the kind of black-and-white picture a children's charity would love to use for fundraising.
It's one of the things I love about his character. His focus is intense when he's doing something, but he always takes time to look for fun. Here's a bit of both sides in the last 12 months.

Happy Birthday Serious Boy!
Dad :-)